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A Confidence Builder

Meet Sarah, a seasoned healthcare fundraiser who always second-guessed her ask amounts. Despite years of experience, she struggled with donor wealth estimates that seemed wildly inaccurate. Enter Abacus™ Major Donor Ask Calculator.

Sarah inputs answers to 21 questions for her top prospect, expecting another frustrating experience. To her surprise, Abacus provided a clear, data-driven ask amount that felt both ambitious and respectful. The calculator’s readiness score showed she had sufficient donor information, boosting her confidence.

Armed with Abacus’s recommendation, Sarah approached her donor. The result? A pledge matching Abacus’s prediction within 5%. Sarah was amazed. “Abacus eliminated my self-doubt,” she shared. “It gave me a credible, defendable process to justify my asks.”

As Sarah continued using Abacus, she found herself making bolder requests without fear of offending donors. Her success rate soared, and she even secured a transformational gift that previous wealth estimates had undervalued by millions.

Beyond individual asks, Sarah used Abacus to value her entire donor pipeline accurately. This allowed her to set realistic goals, prioritize prospects, and demonstrate the potential of her portfolio to leadership.

For Sarah, Abacus wasn’t just a calculator—it was a confidence builder, a strategic planner, and a secret weapon for fundraising success.