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User Reviews

The Ask Calculator has been used by private consulting clients since 2018.  In 2023, we launched Abacus Major Donor Ask Calculator as an online tool, available to the entire fundraising community.  We’ll let our users speak for themselves.

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“I am not easily impressed; Abacus is incredibly accurate and amazing. I recommend it to anyone engaging in a campaign or working in major donor fundraising.”
Lauren Dorn-Jones, Senior Development Officer, Cambridge Health Alliance Foundation, MA

“I am amazed! The wealth estimate was not particularly helpful in this situation, but Abacus literally suggested almost the exact 7-figure amount the donor gave to the Center.”
Natalee Martin, VP of Development, Seacoast Science Center, NH

“Abacus is the solution that picks up where wealth estimates leave off, to give me Asks that I can count on.”
Melissa Kogut, VP of Development, Riverside Community Care, MA

“At last, there is a reliable process for fundraisers to determine Asks and predict campaign feasibility! We are eager to use Abacus with our nonprofit clients to maximize their major donor fundraising and campaign outcomes.”
Founder and CEO David Garamella of The Giving Collaborative

Asks You Can Count On

Specific to Your Organization